Here's a random battle enemy for Wytheria. I realise the perspective is a little off, but I still am amused.
I've also been working on one of those 25 expression sheets. Ideally I'd like to do one for all of my characters, but this is taking some time! And this guy isn't even my character!?!?! This is Alisa's Bob Russel, a well intentioned if occasionally "out of his league" politician.
What's been taking up the bulk of my time (and why I haven't gotten anywhere on these projects) is Windharps.net It may not look as amazing as it could, but I've added a blog there, that uses rss to syndicate to the site, as well as to facebook! I've been updating the blog. I tried to make a wiki page but that failed as it got deleted because I accidentally submitted it before it was done, rather than previewing. Maybe later I'll have the energy to do it again, but I spent forever and lost it all. I'm pretty irked with Wiki. We're featuring a new upcoming exhibition of some really awesome harps. I have seen them in person and they look wonderful! It's of course a secret until they're revealed at the Croswell Opera House in Adrian Michigan for Steve Cameron's solo exhibition!!! (All of the month of March) So go there, but make sure you buy your harps through the website ;)
This is it for this blog, I promise these will be better thought out and written in later posts! I'm kind of overwhelmed with all of this windharps stuff and learning about how amazing RSS is! Now if only Myspace would let you import blogs... stupid Myspace... -.-
:) As always, I love critques on my art! post your thoughts!
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