I am working on an entry for the 9 contest being held by DeviantArt. I've decided to do a combo of a sculpture and a sketch. The idea is to create a "creature" that could inhabit the world of 9. This means found/common objects, mechanical, purposed! I'm doing a harvester, it's sole job is to find and capture the steampunks, and any other small creatures it may find.
It doesn't look like much yet, but I think it's awesome. It has a cage with old halves of hinges as doors. On top of that is mounted a PVC tube that contains the batteries all wired together and the main flood light. There's a small wire that comes out and holds a teaser light. This works like an Angler fish. The device hides in the dark with this small light on, so it looks like an exit. It lures the creature right up to the cage. Then it turns on the flood, blinding them while the arms (not yet attached) shove it in. If this fails, it is equipped with a front roller and it just steam rolls whatever it finds!
What I was doing:
I worked up a website design for my boss, but I can't show you that... I did 20 or so animations... can't show you that. Ugh! I did however do some chalk pastels which you can view. These were a collab with my sister. Who's gallery can be found on DeviantArt as well.
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