Saturday, June 6, 2009

Catching up!

I apologize for the lull in posts, I've been working full tilt on getting artwork and animations around for my application for masters programs. That's right, I am going after my MFA! Right now I'm looking at a couple different programs one of which is highly selective and very local. This is the program of my dreams, If I made it in I might very well die from sheer overstimulation. So everyone please keep your fingers crossed for me!

Let's see, so what's been going on...

I have updated my youtube account to get rid of some of my stupid channels, and actually uploaded a few videos there.

Right now it contains my graduation Demo Reel (terrible! That class was terrible.), my Galaxy Quest Speed Synch (Speed lip synch), and a wip for the 11 second Animation club contest! I've wanted to enter it for years, so I decided to just knuckle down and do it!!!

I would love to hear some critiques! Hopefully at the end of today there will be a new one up. I've come a long way since I uploaded this one. I've learned I need to learn a little more about compression and making videos out of flash anims.... Regardless of the troubles, I'm very excited about this project, and while I doubt I'll win on my first entry, you never can tell!

I have created a fb group called CreateLenawee! which will hopefully eventually have a web page. I'm trying to bring together local Lenawee County artists to do some major collaborations, either in the realm of movies or murals or sculpture!!!

If you are on faceboook feel free to friend me, if you'd like to work on a project together get in touch! I'd love to do more collaborative projects!

Alright let's see, not much else, just of course the 30 in 30 is going slow.. but I'm gonna get them done!!!

Keep in touch,

and in the words of some wierd guy,

"Keep on arting!!!"

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