Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cable or DSL?

Sorry about my absense, I feel like I say that a lot. Well no more! I think we're going to be switching to DSL.

Thankfully we're really close to the office so it should be just as fast as Comcast. The brand new modem they gave us is junk, it dies every two hours if I'm lucky, every 15 minutes if I'm not. It constantly needs reset! I'm actually on one of the longer stretches of it working right now.. so who knows, this may very well never get posted....

We at least have them through the end of the month since they're paid up. So if anyone has any comments on DSL or TC3net let me know? I've always had cable. Anyways, a little venting, now I'm done.

Well my power cord died so I had to wait a week or so for the new one which arrived today!!! YAY! And since just the tip was broke on the old one I have a backup one now (since I can take the end of this and put it on the old one. (Provided the tip doesn't break again ;)) So I'm back to work.

EAP has had a little done but I'll have to type it up, I've scribbled up my printed copy of it. I will be getting you guys a script soon. There may be some extra sound effects I'll need and I'll post a list of those as well. I'm going for a more modern approach to this so it should be exciting!

I have a lot of animating to do since I've had no access to my computer to do my paid work. But I will be getting to some art I can actually post here.

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